Page 9 - Recruitment Guide 2023-2024
P. 9

Calendar  Professional Development

 The academic year is divided into two   BBS understands how important
 semesters:  professional development is to a
 September to January and February   school and its teachers. This is why
 to June.   the school funds many initiatives
          that result in student progress.
 The school week starts on a Sunday   Our goal is always to benefit the
 and ends on Thursday with Friday and   child. This can be accomplished
 Saturday being the weekend.   through school wide training
 Faculty  initiatives, bringing experts to
 The school day for faculty begins at   Kuwait or by sending teachers
 There are 381 full time faculty and staff members representing 26  7:00 and ends at 2:50.   to conferences in the region, or
 nationalities drawn largely from the Middle East, US, Canada, UK,  worldwide. Alternatively, it can be
 Jamaica, India, South Africa, Australia and Eastern Europe.   Extra-curricular activities, meetings,   done through online experiences.
 etc. begin after the end of the school                                       “At BBS we are committed
 BBS aims for teachers committed to the following:  day.  At BBS we are committed to   to modeling character
 •   Living the mission of the school  modeling character development            development to our
 •   Serving children’s needs in a selfless manner  to our students. We do this by the   students.
          school wide implementation of
 •   Attaining professional standards and demonstrating openness   Learning Circles.  It is a research
 to change  based process that creates a                                       We do this by the school
 •   Being involved with children during and after school hours  classroom culture that maximizes   wide implementation of
 •   Participating in professional development, school and staff   learning and social development.  LEARNING CIRCLES”
 development initiatives, committees and workshops
 •   Portraying high standards of professional behavior and   BBS offers monthly Early Release/
 communication  PD Days during the year that
 •   Attaining clearly articulated standards; focusing on higher   provide ongoing training and
          development to all staff on
 order thinking skills, creative problem solving skills and   teaching and learning. Also, a
 encouraging “learning how to learn”.  portion of the PD days follows
          the PLC process in which staff
 Enrollment  members work collaboratively
 The current enrollment (September 2023) is 2700. Of the total, 2541 are host country nationals and 159 are   in cycles of inquiry and action
 a mix of different nationalities such as Americans, Lebanese, Jordanians, Egyptians, Syrians, Canadians, and   research to achieve the desired
 other.   goals.
 Pre-K  KG1 & KG2  Elementary School  Middle School  High School
 144  344  983  561  668
 Class size:
 8  The current information states: Class size is set at 18 for Pre-K, 20 for KG1, 23 for KG2 and GR1, and 25 for   9
 GR2 and above.
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