
Class Lists Letter

28 August 2019

Dear BBS Parents,  

Thank you for your continued support of BBS and your motivated interest in the education and well-being of your child/children. 

In BBS, we have a dedicated team of people who have been working for a number of months on determining the best mix of students in each class for this school year.  This is a highly complex process involving teachers, counselors, and the admin team which takes into consideration many factors, such as the number of boys and girls within each class, performance in various academic areas, social skills, friendships, and so on.  Every class list is developed keeping the best interests of your child and of every other student, as well as the class as a whole, in mind.

We have a wonderful team of teachers and support staff in place to ensure that every child is in a position to thrive at BBS.  Your ongoing cooperation is a vital part of this process. We ask for that cooperation to continue by supporting the work that all of the team members have contributed in developing our class lists. 

Barring the development of some extreme set of circumstances which would require a change, and then only with the approval of the entire administrative team, please be advised that all class lists are currently final, and no further changes will be made.

P.S. You can access Skoolee to see your child’s/ children’s homeroom on the Homepage via attendance summary window.

We trust we will have an excellent year.

Kind regards,
BBS Administration