Zoom Authenticated Accounts

24 September 2020

Dear Parents,

Maintaining the safety and security of our online learning environment for our students is of the utmost importance at BBS. 

As outlined in our E-Learning plan, starting Wednesday, September 23, only students who have an authenticated BBS Zoom account (and have activated this through the link sent to their email) will be able to join online lessons.  Anyone yet to activate their BBS Zoom accounts will have received a reminder email and link on Thursday September 17. 

Anyone trying to join a lesson from a private or individual account will not be able to enter the waiting room or join a class. 

Should you have any questions or require support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Educational Technology Management (ETM) Department on email [email protected]

Thank you for your support in ensuring a safe and productive online learning environment for our students.

Kind regards,
Ms Maha and Mr Kevin.