What’s New?

Class of 2020 December Graduation Ceremony

02 December 2020

Dear Parents and Students of the BBS Class of 2020,

It was our hope that we would be able to celebrate the Class of 2020’s physical graduation at the end of December. However, Kuwait still not having moved into the fifth stage of re-opening, we are unable to host the ceremony as we wanted.

We know this is a disappointing decision for both you and the graduates; it is disappointing for us as well.  This has been a challenging year for us all and we’ve had to adapt to changes as we move through these times. 

Earlier in the semester we sent a survey to students about the possibility of doing an alternative ‘drive-through’ ceremony, but students did not want that as an alternative.

We would like to see if there are any other options, keeping in the government restrictions that currently exist, that parents and students would like the school to consider as an alternative for their physical graduation ceremony.  Please give us your ideas through the Google Form here.

Thank you.


HS Administration