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Updated HS Attendance Policy

30 January 2020

Dear Parents,

As we continue to work together for the future of our students, your children, we at the high school have updated the attendance policy, with the prime aim, maximizing classroom and student interaction time on a more regular consistent basis. 

The changes include

  • No late slip for first period will be required, students need to head towards their first period classroom ( 1st period  begins @ 7:20 AM SHARP)
  • Late arrival to any period during the school day has been changed to “10 minute late arrival to class only” rather than current timing
  • If student arrived more than 10 Minutes late, student will be marked absent by the teacher(unexcused with a comment of late + 10)

The policy will be launched on Sunday the 02/02/2020.

Updated Attendance Policy

We kindly ask of you, to discuss the policy with your child, so they are aware of their rights and responsibilities.

Thank you,

High School Administration